The meniscal tear is a common injury which usually affects people who play weight-bearing sports but is also common among people who squat a lot at work such as plumbers, lawn care services, etc. The meniscus can also tear due to a slip and fall or twisting the body on a planted foot.

The meniscus is a rubbery, C-shaped piece of cartilage that cushions your knee. Each of your knees has 2 menisci, one medial and one lateral. Together they act as shock absorbers and help to stabilize the knee joint.

Signs and symptoms of a tear include: sharp pain deep in the knee joint, “catching” or “locking” making it difficult to straighten or bend the knee, feeling a “pop” initially usually followed by swelling within the first 24 hours of injury.

Traditional treatment  consists of either attempting physical therapy, undergoing a menisectomy (surgical intervention), or both. Recent studies have shown “no difference” 1-2 years post intervention between patients who underwent physical therapy only as opposed to surgical intervention followed by physical therapy. Call John Goetze Physical Therapy Beaches and start walking better today!